OpenEcoMaps is back!

OpenEcoMaps, eco-living maps using OpenStreetMap data, is now working again. Hooray! I decided to sit down and work out why the OpenLayers interface wasn’t working and it turned out to be quite simple to fix.

You can now browse around maps of low carbon energy generators in London, veggie restaurants in Edinburgh, allotments in Exeter, recycling facilities in Glasgow and more! The data is updated every hour, direct from OpenStreetMap, and is available on maps and downloadable/reusable KML and GeoJSON files. The code is also in Github, so you could set-up your own version for another country if you like.

OpenEcoMaps is back!

There are still some of the layers that aren’t working because the underlying data isn’t being extracted from OpenStreetMap properly. But I’m very glad that, after well over six months with it completely broken, the web site basically works again!


  1. !i! said:

    Is there any chance to get this project global? Would be interesting for Germany here, as we have a official switch to more ecological energy (“Energiewende”)

    12th January 2013
    • Tom Chance said:

      I’m not planning to extend it beyond the UK because I only have cheap Web hosting. The code is available and is free software if you want to set it up for Germany.

      I imagine that the KML and GeoJSON files would be enormous for all German ecological energy so you would need to change the Web site to cope. The files would still be useful downloads for desktop software like Google Earth.

      13th January 2013

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