A campsite of smaller tents

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like mainstream journalists and celebs are starting to talk about the Greens in a totally unprecedented way. With a few exceptions we’re seen as credible, with good policies and a great leader. Notwithstanding the occasional backlash, we’re definitely on the way to establishing ourselves as the fourth “main party”. Just the increased number of nods to the Green Party shows that – in our largely first past the post scene – fewer people think Labour will always be the only viable progressive force in British politics.

Caroline evoked a lovely analogy at the recent Compass conference to sum up the change in mood: we no longer need New Labour’s big tent to bring all progressives together. From now on, we should have a campsite of many small tents, cooperating to progress environmental and social justice, and competing where we disagree.

Maybe 2010 will be the year that the Lib Dems stop shamelessly lieing to undermine Labour and Green votes, and that Labour supporters – especially in publications like The Guardian and the New Statesman – relax their tribal obsession with The Labour Party?


  1. Neol Lynch said:

    Good post.

    By-the-way, you will find that your fellow Southwark GP comrade Jenny Jones originated the ‘campsite’ example.


    15th September 2009
    • Tom Chance said:

      Good old Jenny, it’s a great analogy.

      15th September 2009
  2. Chris Hyland said:

    Maybe 2010 will be the year that the Lib Dems stop shamelessly lying to undermine Labour and Green votes, and that Labour supporters … relax their tribal obsession with The Labour Party?

    Don’t count on it.

    15th September 2009

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